How to Get Rid of Gnats: Best Methods That Work

How to Get Rid of Gnats: Best Methods That Work

Gnats are small, winged insects that are very similar to their relatives, Mosquito; they cause nuisance in our homes and gardens. They can mostly be seen flying around sinks or plants, making these two areas common breeding grounds for these little insects. But not only that, it is very easy for you to get rid of them. We will discuss different ways on how they can remove Gnats from their homes and how to make sure that it does not happen again in the future and make your home free from these pests.

Types of Gnats

Type of GnatCommon LocationsAttraction
Fungus GnatsDamp soil, plantsFungi, plant roots
Fruit GnatsKitchen counters, trashRipe fruits and vegetables
Drain GnatsDrains, moist areasOrganic matter in drains

Different gnat have their own peculiarities concerning their diet and their living environment, which is important to know if you want to deal with them radically.

Life Cycle of Gnats

Like all insects, gnats also undergo four stages: egg stage, larval stage, pupal stage, and the last is the adult stage. The whole process may take from one week to one month, it depends on the state of the environment.

  1. Egg Stage: The egg deposition of gnats occurs in wet environments. The normal egg-laying site for fungus gnats exists in moist soil. Fungus gnat eggs are so tiny and pale white in color that they remain concealed from view.
  2. Larval Stage: The larvae start developing out of the eggs to eat organic materials. Fungus gnat larvae choose to eat fungi and plant roots thus causing critical damage to plants that makes disease attacks likely.
  3. Pupal Stage: During pupae development the larvae will become mature adults ready to emerge from their cocoon. The fungus gnat larvae undergo a stage which marks their inactivity and their refusal to consume food.
  4. Adult Stage: When adult gnats appear they will produce eggs which initiate the life cycle to start anew. Gnat adults remain visible in the environment although they are responsible for generating most of the annoyance.

Natural Methods to Get Rid of Gnats

Learning how to get rid of gnats naturally is best to begin with non-chemical means since this is effective at times. It is non toxic and can be as useful as the chemical treatment processes. Some of the methods include the following:

1. Vinegar Traps

One of the simplest and most effective natural methods is using vinegar traps. Here’s how you can make one:

Apple Cider Vinegar Trap:

  • Mix 1 cup of apple cider vinegar with 1 cup of water and add a few drops of dish soap.
  • Pour the mixture into a jar.
  • Cover the jar with plastic wrap and poke a few small holes in it.
  • Place the jar near the area where gnats are present.

Wine and Vinegar Trap:

  • Use a similar method but substitute the apple cider vinegar with red wine. This can be particularly effective for fruit gnats.

2. Essential Oils

Essential oils can repel gnats and are a great addition to your home pest control arsenal. Here are some oils you can use:

Essential OilMethod of Use
Lemongrass OilMix with water and spray around the house to repel gnats. Lemongrass oil has a strong citrus scent that gnats dislike.
Lavender OilSimilar to lemongrass, mix with water and spray. Lavender oil is also known for its calming effects on humans, making it a pleasant choice for indoor use.
Peppermint OilEffective when mixed with water and sprayed around plants or kitchen areas. Peppermint oil is invigorating and can help keep your home smelling fresh.
Tea Tree OilMix with water and use to water plants to kill fungus gnat larvae. Tea tree oil is known for its antifungal properties, making it perfect for treating soil infestations.

3. Potato Slices

When it comes to controlling pests such as growing fungus gnats in plants, one can use potato slices.

  • The second experiment involved planting raw and sliced potatoes in the ground. The larvae will be attracted to the potato and such will die boring through the mentioned part.
  • Change the potato slices after every few days depending on the number of gnats that are still found in the jar.

This method is very effective since fungus gnat larvae are always attracted to starchy matter such as potatoes.

4. Chamomile Tea and Cinnamon

Chamomile tea works as a fungus killer but cinnamon fights gnat invasion.

  • Apply chamomile tea solution as an effective plant disease control agent by pouring it over your plants. Plants react positively to chamomile because it reduces fungi growth.
  • Dust the plant dirt with cinnamon powder to keep gnats away. Cinnamon works as an antifungal agent to keep gnats away.

5. Garlic

Gnats hate garlic when planted in the soil because it kills their larvae.

  • Placing garlic cloves into soil eliminates the larvae. Garlic possesses natural bacteria and fungal-fighting properties that can destroy gnat larvae.

Chemical and Commercial Methods

Your efforts with natural techniques may fail to remove a serious pest problem. These are the chemical and sale options available for treatments:

1. Insecticidal Sprays

ProductActive IngredientsUse
Zevo Fly, Gnat & Fruit Fly SprayGeraniol, lemongrass oilPut it as a spray on the gnats or areas where there could be infestation. Specifically, the zevo sprays are bio-based, and therefore safe to use around pets and kids within the house.
Homemade SprayIsopropyl alcohol, dish soapMix isopropyl alcohol with water and dish soap. Squirt on gnats or areas that they are usually spotted. Nonetheless, this homemade spray is quick and efficient, but it should not be used where pets and little children are frequenting.

2. Bug Zappers

A UV light trap provides good results in catching adult gnats.

  • Position UV light traps at spots where gnats commonly appear. The traps trap gnats using UV lighting that draws them in.

3. Bacteria Thuringiensis (BT)

To control fungus gnats you can use BT (Bacillus thuringiensis) as a natural pest solution: 

  • Apply products with Gnats Bits to fight fungus gnats because they include the active ingredient BT. The method effectively destroys gnat larvae through BT products that generate lethal toxins.

Preventing Gnat Infestations: The Key to a Pest-Free Home

Prevention is always better than cure. Here are some tips to keep gnats away:

Kitchen Hygiene

Remove Food SourcesRegularly clean and dispose of ripe fruits and vegetables. Fruit gnats prefer to feed on food that undergoes fermentation so you need to stay vigilant about kitchen hygiene.
Clean Counters and SinksApply disinfectants to reduce the formation of moisture. You should clean counter and sink surfaces often to remove all moisture and signs of clutter.

Plant Care

Soil ManagementMinimize frequency of watering the plants and ensure that, the soils you use are well drained. These are formed in damp soils, which means that proper drainage of your plants will help in avoiding their infestation.
Regular InspectionsIt is wise to monitor the plants frequently so as to ensure they do not show any sign of infestation by gnats. Search for the small white eggs or larvae on the surface of the soil and adult gnats flying above the plants

Specific Solutions for Different Areas

Getting Rid of Gnats in the Kitchen

  • Vinegar Traps Near Sinks: Set vinegar traps close to kitchen sinks and trash areas to collect fruit gnats effectively. This strategy produces good results around kitchen areas where food is left exposed.
  • Essential Oil Sprays: An effective method to prevent gnats is using lemongrass or peppermint spray. You can dilute essential oils from lemongrass and peppermint then apply them as sprays to safeguard kitchen areas from gnats.

Getting Rid of Gnats in Plants

  • Hydrogen Peroxide Solution: Use hydrogen peroxide water mix by pouring it over the soil to wipe out the larvae. Using this technique provides good results against fungus gnat problems yet needs careful handling to protect plant roots.
  • Neem Oil: Apply diluted neem oil to defeat fungus gnats. Neem oil works as a harmless pesticide to fight off fungus gnats and shield the soil from future invasion.


Getting rid of Gnats requires constant work and time. Using both natural remedies and chemical products together will eliminate Gnats infestation in your home and outdoor space forever. Remember, prevention is the key. Simple cleaning tasks in the kitchen and proper care of plants help prevent Gnats problems.

If pest control problems become beyond handling, seek services from professional pest control operators. They will develop special treatment plans that will eliminate pests from every part of your home.

Frequently Asked Questions

How long does it take to get rid of gnats?

The time needed to remove gnats totally from an area depends on both how serious their presence became and which control techniques are chosen.

Are gnats harmful?

Gnats make no direct harm to humans yet can transmit diseases and create annoying effects. The root systems of plants take damage when fungus gnats attack their underground parts.

Can I use chemical sprays around pets?

The general guideline is to stay away from chemical sprays if your pets are nearby unless the product label states it is pet-safe. Your first step must be to carefully read the label information before proceeding with pet protection.


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